Monday, August 24, 2009

The Best Profession in the World...

... is mine.

Classes at my university have started today. I haven't taught for the last 4 months (summer holidays) and now I'm back to teaching. It's great, my friends! The students at this university are fantastic, I love them already. The colleagues are great and extremely helpful. The Chair is nice and funny (in a good way).

Teaching is the best kind of work there is (besides reading and research, which are also a part of my job). It's incredibly energizing, fun, and exciting. It's also great to be around the younger generation all the time because you remain young forever.

I have already taught two classes today and then one more remains in an hour. I never taught three classes in one day and I thought it would be hard. But actually it's not hard at all. I feel I could teach several more hours easily. God, I love my job. :-)

P.S. It's 2 p.m. here and I'm already done and completely free until Wednesday morning. Isn't that amazing?? :-)

P.P.S. I'm sorry for the hyper posts but the first day of school feels like a birthday to a teacher. I just want to jump up and down, laugh, cry, and celebrate in every possible way.

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