Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Global Warming?

"Soaring temperatures across large swathes of Russia have destroyed nearly 10 million hectares of crops and prompted a state of emergency to be declared in 17 regions."

"Germany and most of the Western Europe is experiencing a blistering heat wave. I read that meteorologists are predicting 38 degree Celsius in parts of Germany for tomorrow as the hottest day in the year and this month as the hottest July in a century. Both the temperature and the humidity are expected to go up.

There have been several deaths reported in Netherlands and France. Italy is experiencing one of its worst droughts and I fear we might again see those wild forest fires of the likes we had in Portugal. London underground was sweltering at around 47 and some city buses recorded temperatures over and around 50 degrees."

The temperature hit 103 degrees in New York City and 102 in Philadelphia, breaking records for the day, both set in 1999. The temperature also soared past the century mark in Boston, Washington and Newark, N.J., and broke records in Providence, R.I., and Hartford, Conn."

But, of course, there is no global warming. That's all a nasty liberal fabrication, you know.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Can't resist:

1) Weather is not the same as climate. Currently it's 10C colder than normal at this time of year, should I be concerned about global cooling?

2) The liberal fabrication is that global warming is entirely man-made and can be entirely reversed through government intervention.