Thursday, April 28, 2011

And Finally It's Summer

I just taught my last class of this academic year. Which means that I'm free until the end of August. Four months of delicious freedom await me. There will be a lot of reading, writing, translation, badminton, cooking, and long leisurely walks while listening to my Kindle. And, of course, a lot of blogging.

Freedom, here I come!

P.S. I don't want anybody to think I dislike teaching. I love it passionately. But my vision of a perfect academic schedule includes a teaching-free semester, dedicated exclusively to research and intellectual growth.

I feel happy, people.

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Spanish prof said...

Congrats!!! My last class is tomorrow. And then, I don't teach until January. I have a sabbatical!!!

Clarissa said...

Wow! A sabbatical! That's great. Did you just get tenure?

Pagan Topologist said...

Listening?? I thought a Kindle was only for reading.

Spanish prof said...

No. My institution has competitive sabbaticals, but junior faculty is encouraged to apply (you must have taught for three years previously). They give 10-15 one semester sabbaticals a year , so you are competing with a lot of people. But junior faculty, if the proposal is good, actually has priority. Isn't it great? And actually a great idea as to how to develop young scholars.

Clarissa said...

Pagan Topologist: oh yes, it also plays music and reads books out loud.

Spanish prof: wow, that's so great. What a fantastic university! I'm not even looking forward to my sabbatical because I can't see that far in the future. :-)

Pagan Topologist said...

I wish they would build a cheaper Kindle without the audio. I bet it would be lighter and have a longer battery life and a bigger reading area..

Pagan Topologist said...

Here at UD, every tenure track Assistant Professor is entitled to a sabbatical during the probationary term. It was not the case when I was an assistant professor, 1968-74, but it has been for some time.