Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Evaluation Day

Today, students in one of my courses were writing their evaluations of me and of the course. Unfortunately, more than half of the students didn't show up today (it's that time of the semester). It's sad because I think this group loved both me and the course and would have written stellar evaluations. I thought of postponing the whole thing until Thursday but with the Easter coming up, chances are even less students will be there. 


Pagan Topologist said...

I always hope that the students who actually attend on the day I pass out evaluation forms are the ones most likely to rate my work favorably.

Clarissa said...

Good point. The ones who are always there are the best students.

Spanish prof said...

Did you announce the previous class that you were doing evaluations? I always do it. It might make somebody who doesn't like me come just to write the evaluation, but it also makes those who loved you make an effort to be present.

Clarissa said...

No, that was my mistake. Our secretary suffered a bereavement in her family, so we had no idea when the evaluatiin forms would be available.

My favorite group, however, was present almost in full, at least that batch of reviews will be complete.