Sunday, March 7, 2010

Comment Moderation

Dear Readers:

we now have a nasty troll who is regularly visiting this blog and leaving disgusting, hateful comments.

As a result, I have enabled comment moderation. This means that from now on, there will be a short delay between the moment you send in your comment and the time when it appears under the relevant post. It's sad that one angry, vile individual who has nothing better to do with their sorry excuse for a life should force us to change the way in which we operate. When a blog's popularity grows, trolls start appearing. This is a reality of blogging, and we need to adapt to it.

Hopefully, the troll would soon get tired of sending in comments that never get published and will go away. Then, we will be able to return to our usual mode of operation.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!



Anonymous said...

I wonder how you survived this long without comment moderation.

Clarissa said...

In the past, trolling was minimal and mostly was reduced to an occasional insult or an ad for Viagra. So it was easy to delete those comments manually. Now we have a truly vile troll who writes several long and nasty comments every day.

Anonymous said...

How do you know all the mean comments come from just one troll. Just curious.

Clarissa said...

There can hardly be TWO idiots who have nothing better to do with themselves than bother my blog in Port Orchard, Washington. So I'm sure it's just one sad, ugly loser.

Clarissa said...

It's ok, Annette, an absolute majority of my readers are wonderful, intelligent people who have tons of interesting ideas to contribute. One angry freak is small enough price to pay for that. :-)

Unknown said...

Who spends their day writing these things ?!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with you on much, but I'm sorry that this is happening to you.