Sunday, December 20, 2009

Amazon's PayPhrase Is Getting Scary

I'm sorry to keep harping on the subject, but the Amazon's PayPhrase is getting into a really bizarre, scary stage. The phrase that was given to me yesterday in response to a purchase was "Clarissa's Delicious Dumplings." It is needless to say that the purchase was a book by Sophie Hannah which had nothing to do with dumplings in any way or manner.

Want to guess what I had been eating a couple of hours before I made that purchase? Yep. And they were unusually delicious, as I kept saying throughout the meal. (I have a witness and a co-participant in the dumpling-eating activity, so don't think I'm making this up.) Now I view the dumplings that are still remaining in the freezer with a deep suspicion. Who knows what method they have of communicating with Amazon?

Still, this last PayPhrase is way better than the one that hinted on my "tiny talent." I am waiting for a response from my publisher and I really hope his reply does not include the words "tiny talent." That would make me really angry with Amazon.

P.S. Thank you nice, kind readers who purchased Kindles following a link from my blog. This will allow me to buy over a dozen new books and consequently get many new payhrases from Amazon. :-) Happy reading!

P.P.S. Today, the Amazon corrected itself and regaled me with a phrase I really like: "Clarissa's Philosophical Success." Now that's something I enjoy hearing. :-)


Anonymous said...

I did some shopping on Amazon the other day during work hours and today when I checked Amazon's daily deals, my payphrase was "Kevin's Institutional Tasks". I was a little taken aback.

Linda said...

I knew this had to be happening to other people.

I am very grateful for Amazon. They fill an area of my life that was cut off due to a chemical injury. Amazon has been a blessing for me.

But I am completely creeped out by their "pay phrases" that range from compliments to insults to exact references to things I have posted on facebook, written email, purchased from another vendor... the list goes on. Last spring or late winter I asked an Amazon rep to remove this Orwellian "pay phrase" from my account. He said he did and here is the red flag he followed up by telling me how I could remove it if somehow his effort was unsuccessful. Since I had already tried what he suggested and it did not work, I was certain he had not removed it. Of course, he did not.

I apologize for going on like this but I have to say this Amazon payphrase is by far the creepiest thing I have ever encountered on the page of an internet merchant I patronize.