Friday, May 29, 2009


This week I started watching 24 for the first time. It's definitely not my kind of television, so I never watched it before. Now that I have seen several episodes, I am extremely confused. If anybody who reads this knows it, maybe you can help me with this confusion.
From what I have seen this far, it seems that the show has an extremely subversive potential. It depicts the work of Counter Terrorism Unit against all kinds of terrorists. The main point they seem to manage to transmit is that the US government officials are so horrible that even the meanest terrorists pale in comparison. Surely, that can't be what the show is actually trying to do? Especially taking into account that the show is broadcast by Fox, and we all know how progressive these people are.
At the same time, this kind of a message makes it hard to watch the show. If the US government and the terrorists it is trying to combat are equally disgusting, then what's the point of watching? You really stop caring who wins in the end. Is there something that I'm failing to see here?


Anonymous said...

Some time long ago I happened to watch several episodes from the middle of do not know which season... And to understand what is going on I have read the content of the previous episodes (one can find it on the internet). I too was impressed by the amounts of torture this imaginary US counter-terrorist unit was dispensing...

Speaking of subversion - I am not sure the season I have partially seen could originate from Fox. Because the evil guys there were the oil business... :)

I also think there are many people for whom the point of watching is not about which side is more moral, but primarily about action in general (what moral can one seek and find in those theatrical wrestling matches?) and secondarily about "our good guys" winning by whichever means necessary.

Clarissa said...

It's just very difficult for me to see who is supposed to be the "good guys" there.

In season 4, I think, there is a very clear parallel between a terrorist who is willing to sacrifice his son for his cause and a US Secretary of Defense who is doing the same. There is even a split screen showing both sons suffering at the hands of their fathers at the same time.

I don't think that Fox has an actual subversive intention here, but the show is very puzzling morally and ethically.

Anonymous said...

If any other criteria cannot be applied, "good guys"="our guys". :)

Clarissa said...

I think real terrorists could very well put this show on for the terrorists in training as a motivational tool. :-) It seems to try to provoke hatred towards the American government.

Anonymous said...

You are assuming everybody in this country wants to reduce the terrorist threat... Why? Shouldn't the terrorist threat exist to justify Patriot Act, certain wars, investments into certain fields, etc?

Come on, I want terrorist threat to increase - I am in explosives detection business and need funding... Just joking...

Anonymous said...

Exactly. I know people who work for the defense industry and they openly (almost) say that the threat of terrorism is good for business.

Anonymous said...

This is real terrorism:

Clarissa said...

This is unbelievably sad. And these animals call themselves pro-LIFE religious people. Disgusting freaks, that's what they are.