Monday, October 19, 2009

I ♥ Belinda

So it turns out that Belinda, the Chair of my Department, has known this entire time that I was assigned a lower salary than my male colleague who was hired at the same time with me. This entire time, she has been fighting to get me a fair, merit-based salary. And she succeeded! Thanks to Belinda and our new Dean (who, by all accounts, is a hundred times better than the previous Dean we had), I now have a fair salary that will be paid back to me retroactively.

It's a wonderful feeling to know that the Chair of your department cares about her colleagues so much. This blog is still unknown to the members of my department, so I can express my love and gratitude to our wonderful Belinda without it looking like I'm brown-nosing.

I ♥ Belinda!


KT said...

Hi Clarissa,
It's funny that I've been looking over my shoulder for you on campus since I discovered that we were in the same department. How come our paths never crossed?
Just today, I looked at the woman who shared my office suspiciously because I didn't know her name and I thought she was you! :) I'll try to find you tomorrow or before the end of the week.
Thanks for the invite.

Clarissa said...

Oh, my god, I'm so sorry for the confusion!!! And for the suspicions I caused. :-) We met at our departmental meeting where you taught us to write your name. You can also see my picture that now accompanies the comment. :-)

KT said...

I can't see the pic though. It's too small and won't open if I click on it.
Will you pls send it to me at

Clarissa said...

Just did.

People will think we have an incredibly huge department full of secret bloggers who never manage to meet in real life. LOL