Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Funny Comments on My Post

I just discovered that a fellow blogger decided to blog about my recent post "Wildlife in Southern Illinois."

This is what this person had to say: "Strange that people are so disconnected from nature that seeing a small animal frightens them so much. I’ve met more than a few people like that, and just stare at them blankly when they say something of that nature. I grew up in and now live in a place where seeing things regularly that could bite your face off (alligators) was not unusual, so seeing a little ‘possum is no big deal."

What I find really strange is that even after meeting "a few people" like me, the author of the post still can't accept the frightening possibility that not everybody grew up in the same, alligator-rich circumstances than he did. Imagine how much this blogger would "stare blankly" if he were to discover that - oh, horror! - there are people whose life circumstances are so different that they were actually born in other countries. I wish this blogger some gentler encounters with the variety of human experience in the future.

I also wish him a rapid encounter with the concept called "a sense of humor."


Anonymous said...

I am glad you chose to humor me on my being snarky, though if you jabbed me any harder your humerus might be aching.

One more slam like that, I might have to play 'possum....


Clarissa said...

Mike, you are funny. :-) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The worse thing regarding possums is that, when you don't know what a possum is, you can't name it. If I see a lion I know it's a lion and that my life is in danger. But posums? WHAT is that awful creature hissing at me?


Clarissa said...

The night before last I saw a whole family of them. Let me tell you, that was not a nice experience (other people's comfort with alligators notwithstanding.)

Anonymous said...

But if you import some alligators, your 'possum problems suddenly disappear. It's almost like magic. Except very chompy, toothy magic.


Clarissa said...

Who knows where my nomadic profession will take me? Alligators might be the next step. :-)