Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Measure of a Blog's Popularity

I always thought that the real measure of a blog's popularity will be when new readers start going back to my old posts which I wrote when I only had 3 readers in the entire world (thank you, guys!) and leave comments there. And now it's happening! My post on male circumcision that I wrote in my very first week of blogging is now a place where a lively discussion is under way.

Thank you, readers, you made me very very happy today. I still remember how I first had a total of 7 visitors in one day, which was huge news for me and made me both excited and terrified at the same time. Now, if I have less than 400 visits in a day I start wondering what I'm doing wrong. :-)

Blogging rocks!


KT said...

"Now, if I have less than 400 visits in a day I start wondering what I'm doing wrong."


juerginskyi said...

And I´m very glad I found this blog. I plan on using it as my winter reading. I´m especially excited that I saw the topic Octoberrevolution (as you might´ve noticed, this was a topic in my blog too. Btw, I´ll "reanimate" my blog soon, AND post an English contribution in your honor, so to speak).