more books by Ruth Rendell have appeared in the Amazon's Kindle store. There are now some well-known classics such as Going Wrong, Tree of Hands
I check Amazon's Kindle store for new books by Rendell almost every day. As you know, it always takes a while for us to get European books in Kindle format because of copyright constraints. Still, it's nice to see that Amazon is making significant efforts to keep its promise to bring every book to us in Kindle format. Enjoy!
Do you have any thoughts on Kindle vs. NOOK? My wife has expressed an interest in getting a NOOK as a gift.
The main difference for me is that Nook doesn't have a keyboard while the Kindle does. For me, it's crucial to be able to write notes on the margins, so the keyboard is a must.
Nook is a more expensive e-book reader, while Kindle is a lot more than an e-book reader. Kindle is associated to Amazon, so you have the access to all of Amazon's content from it. Reader reviews are a lot more developed on Amazon than on B&N. Amazon also makes access to one's highlighted passages and notes extremely convenient. This is helpful to those of us who do reserach (or blog) and often need to copy-paste quotes from our readings. If one's needs are more basic, then Nook might be a good idea. If one wants something that offers more than a simple reader, then Kindle is the answer.
I have to say, though, that I'm heavily biased in favor of the Kindle. :-) We've been together for 2,5 years. :-)
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