Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Misogyny Flares Up at University of Waterloo in Canada

For some reason, today everybody is sending me links about instances of misogyny in Canada. Look at this poster that somebody plastered over the faces of female candidates for student government:

This wasn't all. The following mass email was next sent in the name of the university's president:
When a bad idea comes to this Earth it always hides behind The Shield of Vulnerability. This way it is immune from being attacked in the open. Radioactive Technology was hiding behind the vulnerable looking mask of Marie Curie and this is why no one caught it in advance. They figured that if a female was pushing it then it was harmless. They figured wrong. The truth is that overeducated women are truly dangerous. If they don't know right from wrong they will nuke the whole Planet and call it the latest fashion from Holt Renfrew. This is the truth. The world is in trouble today because the higher moral intelligence of men is not in charge anymore. How long will you let this continue? The choice is in your hands. I didn't leave posters on your campus because I am a fool. I left them because I am your father who is concerned about where your education is ultimately going. You are being taught the virtues of gender equality when gender equality is nowhere in the Orginial Plan of Creation. Queen Elizabeth is leading you astray and charging you big money for this evil favour. When you graduate from here you will have a degree but no real intelligence. This is the truth.
Before you dismiss this as an innocent student prank, let me remind you of the Montreal massacre where 14 women were killed by a criminal who was unhappy with the fact that many women were attending an engineering program. 

Thank you, dear colleague, for sending me the link!


Pagan Topologist said...

Damn. This is scary. It would never have occurred to me that there were people who could believe such a thing. They must be Christians. Or maybe Moslems. Believers in a single male god, anyway.

Pagan Topologist said...

Come to think of it, was the belief in the moral superiority of males common during and before the XVIII century?

Clarissa said...

Oh yes. Women were not considered fully human. In the XVIII century the first arguments started appearing that demonstrated the full humanity of women. XVIII century gives us the birth of the enlightened feminism. It's not surprising as everything that's good in our world today was brought to us by the XVIII century Enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, compañera!

Leah Jane said...

I've heard the "X invented the bomb, therefore X is an evil evil group of people" before.... Towards Jews. This is the first time I've heard it towards women. But as a Jewish woman, I have to laugh and cry.

Pen said...

And yet the person in charge of the Manhattan Project was Oppenheimer, and he was clearly male. That poster makes no sense in light of that fact. But it still breeds mob hysteria, which in turn leads all too easily to murder.

Clarissa said...

Maybe this creep knows something about Oppenheimer that we don't. :-)

Anonymous said...

I don't know... The person who posted this might have been trolling. Taking him/her seriously only makes the trolls stronger.

Anonymous said...


Both the poster and the article.

Anonymous said...

The worst case of misogyny in Canada is Dimitri The Lover's twitter ... HREF="mywebpage.html">

The man is vile. I've filed multiple written complaints to so many government organizations about his web site but they all claim he has "free speech rights". They claim he is not promoting hate because he is an "entertainer".