When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about it. For some strange reason, I convinced myself that a blogger could only write one post a day. Two, at most, but even that was bad form. It was quite a struggle to keep everything I had to say to myself and only limit myself to one or two posts per day. Gradually, however, I came to realize that I had the perfect right to blog as much (or as little) as I wanted. I even conducted a little survey among the readers which told me that nobody wanted me to blog less. So I started writing as much as I wanted. That felt extremely liberating.
Today people keep asking me how I manage to produce 4-6 posts a day. The truth is that I write whenever something interesting occurs to me (which seems to happen quite often), and it doesn't take that much time at all. Normally, it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to write each post. The reviews, of course, take longer. When I'm planning classes or doing research, it really helps to switch to a different language and write a blog post. I find that it's the best way to move along whenever I get stuck on an idea or a difficult sentence. Besides, it's fun.
I will be writing a very complex article in Spanish in the next couple of months, so expect a lot more posts. :-)
"Gradually, however, I came to realize that I had the perfect write to blog as much (or as little) as I wanted."
I am thinking this is a deliberate pun(?)
Freud rules! :-) Thank you for catching it!
This semester I'm not teaching anything in English, so we can expect me to lose half of my English. Oh well.
Now, I am sad that the pun is unpunned!
There is no making some readers happy! :-) :-)
Folks have marveled at my output as well, but even writing a very long post takes me but 10-15 minutes.
For some of us, writing is as natural as breathing and even if the writing is not particularly inspired it's certainly not difficult to produce for me.
I have the opposite problem --- even my shortest, lightest-on-content posts take me most of a day to write!
My long essays, book reviews/literary criticism, or posts about autism research? At least several days, sometimes a week or two.
That's why people who read my blog through a newsfeed miss a lot of my posts (disproportionately the ones of substance, too! blargh) --- I don't always remember to update the timestamp on them, so they show up in the feed as being [x] days old! So people who follow lots of blogs won't see mine unless they scroll really far down. :(
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