Didn't we already leave Romney on the trash heap of history after he tanked in the last primaries? Why am I hearing so many reports about his extremely high chances of getting the Republican nomination for presidency? Do people learn nothing from past experience? We've already had a preppy religious fanatic and a former male cheerleader from an extremely wealthy family as our president for eight years. And we still can't sort out the mess he created both inside and outside the country. Do we really need yet another version of Bush Jr. in power?
If the Republicans really can come up with nothing better for the elections that will mean so much to them, it goes to show that the crisis within the party is even deeper than everybody thought. Choosing the guy who lost to the guy who lost to Obama to run against. . . Obama sounds like pickings are extremely slim among the Republicans.
Because Republican nominations tend to go to the candidate that appears the most moderate (what they do in power is another thing, but Bush did run the primaries as a moderate Republican). Problem with Romney is his flip-flopping and his lack of charisma.
Mitch Daniels is another one that the Republican establishment would like. But apparently, there is some story with his wife that might be problematic.
The rest are a bunch of lunatics.
Talking about lunatics, Romney went to France, of all places, to try to convert French people to Mormonism. Would anybody in their right mind do that?
Does this mean I can afford to sit out the Presidential part of the election or vote Green, without risking accusation of having caused a Republican win by not voting for Obama? I cannot abide him ... or either Clinton ... these people are so right wing that I even feel nostalgic for Carter despite not having liked him at the time.
Where did you read that? I hadn't heard of it
OK, it's embarrassing, but I read it on Wikipedia. :-)
Ok, I read the Wikipedia article. Until the part it turns tragic with the car accident, it actually sounds like amazing material for a comedy script. Young, inexperienced American Mormon sent to proselytize in France, in 1968? I wish Blake Edwards was still alive.
In all seriousness, that's what Mormons do. Haven't you ever run into them? I've run into them many times in the bus. I've always found them polite, and when I tell them that I am Jewish, they leave me alone. I've overheard their conversations with other passengers, mostly African-American working class women, and they are fascinating.
Somehow, I've always felt Mormons less threatening than evangelical Christians. I know at least 3 Mormons who are hard core Democrats. I can't say the same for evangelical Christians. And you know who is a Mormon? Harry Reid (a politician that I think is smarter and better than most give him credit for).
All of the above, of course, is not a defense of Mitt Romney. I strongly dislike him. I am just saying he is not a religious fanatic in the Huckabee-Palin type of politician.
I once heard a job talk of a Hispanist about the absence of desire in Lorca. He managed to avoid the word homosexuality as he was talking about Lorca's supposedly absent desire. He just kept repeating that there is a hole in the place where desire should be located in Lorca's work. You can imagine the kind of fun we had with this hole terminology.
He almost got hired, too. And I'm still scared of the Mormon people.
Mormons are sent on their "missions" to try to convert others, nominally. However, I think the real purpose is to harden their own committment to the religion. The people they are always convincing most strongly is themselves.
That's a great point. I had never thought of it that way.
Hey, there's always Newt Gingrich. (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20062256-503544.html)
This is one of those guys who never go away. He's like a recurring nightmare that gets scarier every single time.
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